Whenever you come in for a grooming our experienced groomers will be more then happy to come greet your furry friend and speak to you about your pets specific grooming needs. If you have any questions or aren’t sure what kind of cut would be best for your pet, we are also more then happy to make recommendations. At Paws in Paradise we know that proper grooming is not just about looking great, but also your pets health.
Dog Grooming Prices
Includes: Full Wash, Blow Dry, Cut, Ear Cleaning, Sanitary Shave, and Nail Clipping
Small $93.00
Medium $105.00
Medium/Large $115.00
Large $135.00
X-Large $150.00
XX-Large $170.00
Dog Bath Prices
Includes: Full Wash and Blow Dry
Short Hair Long Hair Bath PLUS
Small $58.00 $63.00 $85.00
Medium $63.00 $68.00 $92.00
Medium/Large $68.00 $78.00 $100.00
Large $73.00 $88.00 $110.00
X-Large $78.00 $105.00 $125.00
XX-Large $98.00 $125.00 $145.00
Additional and Separate Services
Special Shampoo (Oatmeal, Enzyme, Whitening) $8.00
Flea & Tick Treatment $35.00
Nail Cutting (S/M) $25.00
Nail Cutting (L/XL) $35.00
Dew Claw Cutting $12.50
Ear Cleaning $12.50
Eye Cleaning $15.00
Sanitary Shave (S/M) $20.00
Sanitary Shave (L/XL) $40.00
Ear Hair Plucking $26.00
Brush Out/DeShedding (15 minutes) $25.00
Paws Trimming $23.00
Eyes Including Bangs and Face $27.00
Anal Gland Extraction $36.00
Teeth Brushing $28.00
-Prices Listed and any prices given on grooming and bath services prior to the actual appointment are estimates. We are not able to give an actual price quote until we see the dog or cat and are able to judge its size and coat condition.
-In situations of extreme matting or knotted hair, there is an additional $25 fee per 15 minutes that it takes to strip the knots.
-We require that all grooming appointments be picked up within a half hour of completion of the service. If you will be running late or cannot meet the half hour deadline, please give us a call and we will try to accommodate you
-Appointments are based on availability
CAT GROOMING - Please call for rates
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